Ecuadorean President Impulses a New Constitutional Reform to Return the Foreign Military Bases in the Country

Ecuadorean President Daniel Noboa, Sept 2024 Photo: EFE

September 16, 2024 Hour: 7:11 pm

Ecuadorean President Daniel Noboa announced his intention to push for a constitutional reform that could allow the return of foreign military bases to the country. This initiative seeks to amend article 5 of the Constitution, which since 2008 has prohibited the presence of foreign military installations on Ecuadorian territory.

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According to the official document, this initiative is in response to the growing threat of transnational organized crime facing Ecuador. The government argues that a «strong response at national and international levels» is needed to effectively combat this challenge.

The reform project specifically seeks to «remove the prohibition on the establishment of foreign military bases or facilities for military purposes». In addition, it is proposed to lift the restriction on the transfer of Ecuadorian military bases to armed or security forces of other countries.

According to the communiqué, the revised version of Article 5 of the Constitution would simply state that «Ecuador is a territory of peace».

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The government argues that past decisions have left the country vulnerable to current threats that transcend borders. «From the government we have very clear which country we want. It is time for the National Assembly to decide which side of history it will be on», states the presidential statement.

President Noboa subsequently posted a message on X from Manta, which was home to an American base between 1999 and 2009. In this message, he reiterated: «In a transnational conflict we need national and international response».

Noboa’s proposal evokes the memory of the American base that operated in Manta, Manabí province, for a decade. However, the legislative path for this reform is long and complex.

The project will have to overcome several procedural obstacles in the National Assembly. First, it will require the approval of the Legislative Governing Council (CAL). It will then be referred to the Security Commission, where two successive reports will be prepared. Finally, the draft will be discussed in plenary session.

Autor: CC

Fuente: PL-Sputnik

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